From 2008 CARS cooperates less or more intensively with Polish sector-specific regulators; with some of them CARS entered into formal agreements. All of these agreements can be find in “Archive”. From 2014 CARS has also an agreement with Office of Competition and Consumers Protection (OCCP).

(6) Cooperation Agreement with National Broadcasting Council (KRRiTV)
On May 21, 2015 CARS signed Cooperation Agreement with National Broadcasting Council (KRRiTV). The first result of this cooperation was the publication of ‘internet Quarterly of Antitrust and Regulatory Issues’ (iKAR) 2015 vol. 7(4) devoted to regulatory framework of audiovisual services.

Porozumienie o współpracy między CARS a KRRiT Cooperation Agreement with National Broadcasting Council (KRRiTV)

Krajowa rada radia i telewizji

(5) Cooperation Agreement with Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK)
On 5 May 2014 CARS signed Cooperation Agreement with Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK).

Porozumienie o współpracy między CARS a UOKiK Cooperation Agreement with Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK)

(3) Cooperation Agreement with Office of Rail Transport (UTK)
In December 2010 CARS signed Cooperation Agreement with Office of Rail Transport (UTK).

antymonopolowe ustawodawstwo Cooperation Agreement with Office of Rail Transport (UTK)

(2) Cooperation Agreement with Office of Electronic Communications (UKE)
On 1 December 2010 CARS signed Cooperation Agreement with Office of Electronic Communications (UKE).

Polityka antymonopolowa Cooperation Agreement with Office of Electronic Communications (UKE)

(1) Cooperation Agreement with Energy Regulatory Office (URE)
On 1 September 2008 CARS signed Cooperation Agreement with Energy Regulatory Office (URE).

antytrustowe ustawodawstwo Cooperation Agreement with Energy Regulatory Office (URE)


Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies,
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management

PL - 02-678 Warsaw, 1/3 Szturmowa St.
website: (cars English site)