Doctor of law (Ph.D.). Assistant professor at the Department of Energy Transition at the University of
Economics in Katowice. Graduated in law from the University of Lodz (Master of law, Ph.D.
Candidate) and the University of Lucerne (LL.M.). Since 2017 the Deputy Chairman of the Polish
Foundation of Competition Law and Sector Regulation Ius Publicum in Warsaw and the editor of a
series of IUS PUBLICUM monographs. A regular member of the World Energy Council and member of
the Polish Association for European Law. Member of the Editorial Board of the “Internetowy
Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny (iKAR)”. Author and co-author of more than 50 domestic
and foreign publications in the field of energy law, public economic law, european economic law,
administrative law.