Maciej Bernatt

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Dr. (habil.) Maciej Bernatt, Professor of the University of Warsaw, is the CARS director. He holds the Chair in European Economic Law at the Faculty of Management. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies and the co-director of the ASCOLA Central Europe Chapter. He held visiting appointments at the Bocconi University, the University of Chicago, University of Melbourne, the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (Munich), the UNSW (Sydney), and the Loyola University Chicago. He has received scholarships and research grants from several institutions, including the Fulbright Commission, the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education, the Polish National Science Centre, the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange. In the past he worked as a référendaire in the Polish Supreme Court and in the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland as well as in the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, where he coordinated the Strategic Litigation Program. He has been involved in cases litigated before European and Polish courts.

Maciej’s research interests lie principally at the intersections of competition law and constitutional law, administrative law, EU law and ECHR human rights law. In several publications Maciej discussed institutional and procedural aspects of competition law enforcement, including NCAs’ independence, procedural fairness and right of defense in competition proceedings, judicial review as well as rule of law. In one of his leading publications entitled ‘Transatlantic Perspective on Judicial Deference in Administrative Law’ he analysed what is a permissible scope of judicial deference to competition authorities’ legal and factual determinations in the U.S. and the EU administrative and competition laws. His recent book, entitled ‘Populism and Antitrust: The Illiberal Influence of Populist Government on the Competition Law System’ (Cambridge University Press, 2022), discusses the evolutions in competition law in the countries facing illiberal changes concerning their political and economic systems.

His other publications appeared in, inter alia, the Common Market Law Review, the European Law Journal, the European Law Review, the Georgia Law Review, the Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, and the World Competition. He is also an author of two monographs and numerous articles in Polish journals as well as a co-author of two leading commentaries to the Polish Competition Act and Polish Unfair Competition Act. 

Publications in English:
Publications in Polish:


Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies,
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management

PL - 02-678 Warsaw, 1/3 Szturmowa St.
website: (cars English site)