• Title: Europejskie standardy stosowania kar pieniężnych na przykładzie polskiego prawa telekomunikacyjnego
  • Author: Michalina Szpyrka
  • Reviewers: dr hab. Jacek Barcik, prof. UŚ – Instytut Nauk Prawnych,Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Śląskiego dr hab. Dawid Miąsik, prof. INP PAN – Zakład Prawa Europejskiego,Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
  • Series: Textbooks and Monographs (28)
  • Publisher: University of Warsaw Faculty of Management Press
  • Place of publishing: Warsaw
  • Year of publishing: 2020
  • ISBN: 978-83-66282-28-5, 978-83-66282-29-2 (e-book)

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 In this book, the institution of fine as a form of legal sanction was analyzed in detail. Its features, functions, types and criteria of division were defined. Conclusions regarding the function and nature of generally recognized administrative fines were confronted with the regulation adopted under telecommunications law. The proceedings for imposing a fine from TL and control proceedings were also examined. After explaining the meaning of the fine institution, the concept of standard was analyzed. Sources of standards for the use of fines under telecommunications law, derived from relevant EU and convention regulations, were also presented. The interaction of these sources with national law was also analyzed, as a result of which the need to take into account the constitutional standard was also considered. The key part of the monograph examined the relevant standards in cases concerning imposition of administrative fines resulting from fundamental rights protected at the EU, convention and constitutional levels, as well as the manner of their implementation in proceedings for imposing a fine conducted on the basis of TL.


Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies,
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management

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