Kolasiński’s paper fulfills high expectations set by the series of CARS WORKING PAPERS. It presents the results of an original research project, formulates and explains the original thesis. Although it urges to reflect over the accuracy of some of the hitherto issued antitrust decisions, it is difficult to deny a high level of objectivism, logic of reasoning and well-grounded analytical support with references to the rich jurisprudence.
(1) Marcin Kolasiński, Are there “unilateral agreements” restricting competition? (March 2017)
- Title: Are there “unilateral agreements” restricting competition? (uwagi na tle decyzji Prezesa UOKiK stwierdzających naruszenie prawa tylko przez organizatorów niedozwolonych porozumień, ale nie ich uczestników).
- Series: WORKING PAPERS (1)
- Publisher: Faculty of Management Warsaw University Press
- Place of publishing: Warsaw
- Year of publishing: March 2017