• Activity: Providing responses to the questions contained in the EC Green Paper on Unfair Trading Practices in the Business-to-Business Food and Non-Food Supply Chain in Europe
  • Title: Responses to the European Commission’s Questions contained in the Green Paper on Unfair Trading Practices in the Business-to-Business Food and Non-Food Supply Chain in Europe
  • Authors: Chairman – Prof. T. Skoczny, and members: dr. E. Krakowińska, dr. M. Bernatt, dr. D. Wolski, M. Radwański and G. Kaniecki (project co-ordinator).
  • Date of online publication: 30.04.2013.

In January 2013, the European Commission published “Green Paper on Unfair Trading Practices in Business-to-Business Food and Non-Food Supply Chain in Europe” and invited interested institutions to provide responses to the questions asked therein.

Those responses should provide input for the new EU legal instrument.

Deciding to follow the EC invitation, Working Group on Unfair Trade Practices in Supply Chain has been established. It was chaired by Prof. Tadeusz Skoczny (CARS). It’s members were also: dr. E. Krakowińska and dr. M. Bernatt – from the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management, as well as dr. D. Wolski, M. Radwański and G. Kaniecki – from the supplier and retailer firms. Working Group on Unfair Trade Practices in Supply Chain prepared the Responses and submitted them to the DG Internal Market at 30.04.2013.

The basic assumption underlying the work of the CARS Working Group was to formulate conclusions in the public interest, both in the interest of undertakings as well as consumers. The Working Group was guided by the principle of balancing the interests of those undertakings engaged in supply chain at its various levels with respect to good commercial practices. In every case where the Working Group was not able to find common conclusion, both retailers and supplier conclusions were presented separately.

Odpowiedzi na pytania Komisji Europejskiej Responses to the European Commission’s Questions contained in the Green Paper on Unfair Trading Practices in the Business-to-Business Food and Non-Food Supply Chain in Europe


Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies,
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management

PL - 02-678 Warsaw, 1/3 Szturmowa St.
website: www.cars.wz.uw.edu.pl (cars English site)