• Activity: Report
  • Title: List of the high-scored periodicals in the field of competition and regulation law & economics (2015)
  • Authors: Dariusz Aziewicz (PhD student at the Department of European Economic Law, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw), dr. Ewa Kwiatkowska (Kozminski University) and Ilona Szwedziak-Bork (PhD student at the Department of European Economic Law, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw)
  • Date of online publication: 2015

As a result of the scientific-methodological project conducted since 2014 at the Department of European Economic Law (Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw) CARS prepared two separate lists of academic journals which publish papers on, respectively, competition protection and sector-specific regulation (www.cars.wz.uw.edu.pl/doradztwo-12.html). The lists encompass journals not only from the so called “A” list (Philadelphia list) and “B” list (Ministry of Science and Higher Education), but also other renowned foreign journals (mostly in English). The list of journals related to sector-specific regulations will be extended with the journals dedicated to transportation sectors (mostly railway and aviation) and postal services (mostly banking and insurance).

The lists are intended to help CARS members (as well as other individuals, such as young academic employees, PhD candidates and practitioners) choose the academic journal best suited to their publication needs – offering them a wide spectrum of readers and a high number of points.

The attached lists are an updated version of lists published in 2014.

czasopisma prawa ochrony konkurencji i prokonkurencyjnych regulacji sektorowych Wybrane czasopisma naukowe z zakresu (choćby częściowo) prawa ochrony konkurencji i prokonkurencyjnych regulacji sektorowych. A. Lista ogólna

czasopisma prawa ochrony konkurencji i prokonkurencyjnych regulacji sektorowych Wybrane czasopisma naukowe z zakresu (choćby częściowo) prawa ochrony konkurencji i prokonkurencyjnych regulacji sektorowych. B. Lista sektorowa (telekomunikacja, energetyka)


Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies,
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management

PL - 02-678 Warsaw, 1/3 Szturmowa St.
website: www.cars.wz.uw.edu.pl (cars English site)