The workshop, organized on 23 October 2008 in co-operation with the law firm Wierzbowski Eversheds, focused on the relations between antitrust protection and sector-specific pro-competitive regulation (on the example of the telecommunications sector).

Two speeches were delivered during the workshop followed by a discussion focusing on the objectives and values of Competition and Consumer Protection Act and regulatory laws. The aims of antitrust law and sector-specific regulation as well as the basic differences between them were presented and discussed. Regulated industries, legal instruments of industry regulators, safeguards of their independence and key characteristics of regulators were considered. Three areas of overlap between antitrust law and sector-specific regulations were identified: law, authorities (competence disputes) and individual decisions (“preliminary decision” disputes).

The meeting was attended by legal practitioners, representatives of regulatory authorities and researchers.

Antitrust protection and sector-specific regulation: confrontation or co-operation  report from the workshop


Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies,
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management

PL - 02-678 Warsaw, 1/3 Szturmowa St.
website: (cars English site)