The expertise was commissioned by the Emitel Sp. z o.o. The aim of the opinion was to investigate demand-side substitution between two television platforms: digital terriestrial TV and satellite TV in the end-users market. The analysis was conduct due to documents about relevant markets and practice of Polish competition authority (Office of Competition and Consumer Protection – UOKiK) as well as due to European Commission recommendations, international benchmarks and it is based on public available data such as commercial offers of two platforms. The functional analysis of two the most equivalent services (DTT and basic offers of satellite TV operators), leads to conclusion, that there is an asymmetric substitution in the market.
Expert opinions
(21) The analysis of demand-side substitution between digital terriestrial and satellite television in the end-users market (2017)
- Activity: Scientific expertise
- Title: The analysis of demand-side substitution between digital terriestrial and satellite television in the end-users market
- Date of online publication: 18 December 2017