• Title: Opinion concerning amendments to Romanian Law no. 321/2009 regarding sale of food products in the context of compliance with EU law and Polish experience
  • Authors: Dr. Dominik Wolski (JM Poland) with co-operation with Prof. Dr. Tadeusz Skoczny (Jean Monnet Chair on European Economic Law, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw) and with participation with Dr. Maciej Bernatt (Jean Monnet Chair on European Economic Law, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw), Dr. Jan Markiewicz (Wardyński @ Partner, Law Firm), Jarosław Sroczyński (Legal advisor at Markiewicz Sroczyński Law Firm) and Dr. Jan Walulik (CARS, Faculty of Management)
  • Date of online publication: 27 June 2016

The opinion was ordered by IMS Consulting (Cracow) acting on behalf of the Rumanian Network Retailer CEO PROFI Rom Food srl. The opinion has been drawn based on Annex no. 1 (Accepted amendments) to the Rumanian Law no. 321/2009 regarding the sale of food products. The aim of the opinion was to assess the above amendments in the context of the EU law and the Polish experience concerning application in retail trade of food products supply chain regulation.

Ekspertyza naukowa dotyczącej oceny nowelizacji rumuńskiej ustawy nr 321/2009 w sprawie sprzedaży produktów żywnościowych  Opinion concerning amendments to Romanian Law no. 321/2009 regarding sale of food products in the context of compliance with EU law and Polish experience.


Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies,
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management

PL - 02-678 Warsaw, 1/3 Szturmowa St.
website: www.cars.wz.uw.edu.pl (cars English site)