• Activity: Scientific expertise
  • Title: The possibility and manner of eliminating from legal use contractual clauses deemed abusive by the Court of Competition and Consumer Protection
  • Authors: Prof. dr. Tadeusz Skoczny (University of Warsaw, Department of European Economic Law at the Faculty of Management), dr Jakub Górka (University of Warsaw, Chair of Financial Systems of Economy, Department of Banking and Money Markets at the Faculty of Management) and Dariusz Aziewicz (PhD student at University of Warsaw, Department of European Economic Law at the Faculty of Management).
  • Date of online publication: 18 July 2015

The expertise was commissioned by the law firm Sołtysiński Kawęcki & Szlęzak in Warsaw. The purpose of this expertise was to analyse six analytical problems relating to pre-emptive control exercised by competition authorities over concentrations between undertakings acting on two-sided markets understood in the economic sense of the term.

Analiza antymonopolowa w przypadku koncentracji przedsiębiorców na rynkach dwustronnych The possibility and manner of eliminating from legal use contractual clauses deemed abusive by the Court of Competition and Consumer Protection


Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies,
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management

PL - 02-678 Warsaw, 1/3 Szturmowa St.
website: www.cars.wz.uw.edu.pl (cars English site)