Jan Walulik Jan Walulik The 4th CARS Award Ceremony was held on 16 July 2015 in UOKiK Conference Centre. The CARS Awards are granted annually by the Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies (CARS, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw). This year, the CARS Award was granted for the best regulatory monographs. Similarly to previous years, the Polish Bank PKO BP S.A. funded the Award, which was granted by Mrs. Justyna Borkiewicz, the Managing Director of the CEO's division of PKO Bank Polski S.A. in the company of the CARS Award Committee members. The Laurate of the CARS Award 2015 (Regulatory Award) was dr. Jan Walulik, the lawyer running his law firm, for his book Regulatory Reform: the Case of Air Transport (Wyd. EuroPrawo, Warszawa 2013). Other CARS Award 2015 nominees were: dr. M. Chołodecki, dr. S. Jarecki, dr. hab. M. Pawełczyk and prof. dr. A. Szablewski.

Regulamin Nagrody CARS 2015 CARS Award rules (in Polish)

Lista bazowa Nagrody CARS 2015 List of books (basic list) (in Polish)

Lista uprawnionych Nagrody CARS 2015  List of persons entitled to voting (in Polish)

Karta do głosowania Nagrody CARS 2015 Ballot

Protokół z posiedzenia Kapituły Nagrody CARS 2015 Extract from the protocol of the Award Committee (in Polish)

Program Gali Nagrody CARS 2015 Program of Award ceremony (in Polish)

Sprawozdanie z Gali Nagrody CARS 2015 Report from the Award ceremony (in Polish)

Program Panelu Regulatorów Nagrody CARS 2015Program of Regulatory Panel (in Polish)

Sprawozdanie z Panelu Regulatorów  Nagrody CARS 2015 Report from the Regulatory Panel (in Polish)



Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies,
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management

PL - 02-678 Warsaw, 1/3 Szturmowa St.
website: www.cars.wz.uw.edu.pl (cars English site)