The conference on “European Electronic Communications Code – Implementation in the Polish Law “ took place on 24th June 2019. The conference was organized by the Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies (CARS) Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw and Centre for Legal and Economic Problems of Electronic Communications (CBKE), University of Wrocław. The conference brought together over 100 participants representing main telecommunications companies, economic chambers of telecommunications sector, legal firms, television broadcasters and scientific institutions dealing with electronic communications. Among the participants of the meeting were the representatives of Ministry of Digital Affairs, Office of Electronic Communications, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection and Office of the National Broadcasting Council.

The first part of the conference was devoted to presentation of eight papers covering main changes resulting from the Code for the Polish telecommunications sector and the possible variants of implementing necessary changes in the national legal system. The second part of the conference contained panel discussion focused on the assessment of various concepts of legislative drafts implementing the Code into national law, including preparation of a new Telecommunications Law (or Law on Electronic Communications) and the amendment of the present Law accompanied by the transfer of some provisions to the Law on Supporting the Development of Telecommunications Services and Networks.

Europejski kodeks łączności elektronicznej - implementacja w prawie polskim Program

Europejski kodeks łączności elektronicznej - implementacja w prawie polskim Sprawozdanie

Prezentacje prelegentów

DOC Andrzej Nałęcz

DOC Artur Salbert

DOC Jakub Woźny

DOC Wojciech Krupa

DOC Xawery Konarski



Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies,
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management

PL - 02-678 Warsaw, 1/3 Szturmowa St.
website: (cars English site)