30 marca 2022 r. przeprowadziliśmy seminarium naukowe zorganizowane przez dr. Dominika Wolskiego dotyczące wyzwań dla private enforcement w prawie konkurencji. Wystąpili m.in. Caroline Cauffman, Jurgita Malinauskaite, Sebastian Peyer, Małgorzata Kozak, Marta Mackiewicz, Michał Markiewicz, Aleksander Stawicki, Marcin Trepka.


Private Antitrust Enforcement – Mapping Challenges, 30 March 2022 - Agenda


14.00-14.05 – Introductory remarks by Prof. Maciej Bernatt, CARS Director, University of Warsaw

14.05-14.15- Introduction to the seminar and private enforcement CARS project by Dr Dominik Wolski, CARS, Katowice Business University


Session 1 – 14.15-15.05 (Dr Dominik Wolski – moderator)

  1. Dr Małgorzata Kozak, Utrecht University - Private Enforcement of Competition Law - A Need for Effective Implementation of Directive 2014/104 – 15’
  2. Jurgita Malinauskaite, Brunel University, London – The challenges of Private Antitrust Enforcement in the Baltic states: proving causation and quantifying damages – 15’

Q&A – 20’

Session 2 – 15.05-16.10 (Dr Anna Laszczyk, Linklaters – moderator)

  1. Dr Michał Markiewicz, Jagiellonian University, Markiewicz & Sroczyński – Passing-on in competition damages cases - 15’
  2. Dr Caroline Cauffman, Maastricht University - Liability for antitrust damages: what goes up must come down? – 15’
  3. Sebastian Peyer, University of East Anglia – Competition litigation funding – 15’

Q&A – 20’


Session 3 – 16.10-17.15 (Dr Tomasz Bagdziński, Polish Office of Competition and Consumer Protection – moderator)

  1. Dr Marta Mackiewicz, Maruta Wachta – Limitation period in private antitrust enforcement – 15’
  2. Aleksander Stawicki, WKB Lawyers – Is private enforcement of competition law a good investment (in Poland)? Practitioner perspective – 15’
  3. Marcin Trepka, Baker McKenzie – Proving the violation of competition law causing the damage - how far does the private claimant's access to the files of the competition case extend? - 15’

Q&A – 20’

Closing remarks

17.15-17.20 – Dr Dominik Wolski


Centrum Studiów
Antymonopolowych i Regulacyjnych

c/o Wydział Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
02-678 Warszawa, ul. Szturmowa 3
Budynek B, III p. pok. B-319