International conference "Building Competition Institutions for Sustainable Growth. A Retrospective on the Role of Competition Law and Policy in Central and Eastern Europe 20 years after EU Enlargement and Lessons for the Future"
A Retrospective on the Role of Competition Law and Policy in Central and Eastern Europe 20 years after EU Enlargement and Lessons for the Future", which is organised on May 27th, 2025 in the Library of the University of Warsaw, ul. Dobra 56/66, Warszawa, Room 316 (3rd Floor).
Organizing institutions: University College London, University of Warsaw, Inclusive Competition, ASCOLA Central Europe Chapter
Conference’s partner: Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, Poland (UOKiK)
The recently published Draghi report on EU competition policy's future has ignited intense discussion among experts, particularly regarding its proposals to modernize EU competition law. While some view EU competition enforcement as hindering industrial policy and growth initiatives, this perspective overlooks competition policy's broader role. In today's era of entrepreneurial states and mission-driven economies, competition policy serves to both create and shape markets, fostering innovation and competitiveness.
The transformation of Central and Eastern European (CEE) Member States over the past two decades since joining the EU exemplifies how growth-oriented policies can harmoniously coexist with competition protection and market access initiatives. Despite being sometimes portrayed as Europe's economic periphery, these nations have achieved remarkable progress: their real GDP per capita has doubled or significantly increased, while both nominal and real wages have grown at rates substantially exceeding the EU average. Simultaneously, these countries implemented market liberalization policies and strengthened their competitive frameworks through the establishment of independent competition authorities.
New iKAR vol. 2024, 4(13) is published
It is our pleasure to inform that iKAR vol. 2024, 4(13) is published:
Number 4(13)/2024, focused on the impact of European Union membership on the public enforcement of prohibitions against antitrust practices in Poland was edited by dr hab. Grzegorz Materna, prof. INP PAN.
New iKAR vol. 2024, 3(13) is published
It is our pleasure to inform that iKAR vol. 2024, 3(13) is published:
Number 3(13)/2024, devoted to energy transition was edited by Dr. Marcin Kraśniewski and Dr. Aleksandra Lubicz-Posochowska of the University of Economics in Katowice
dr hab. Maciej Bernatt received funding from NCN (SONATA BIS grant)
Dr hab. Maciej Bernatt received funding from the National Science Centre (NCN), Poland (SONATA BIS grant) for the research project "Competition Law Through Constitutional Lenses: Integrating Socio-Economic and Environmental Values in a Time of Just Transition" 2023/50/E/HS5/00482. See more about the project.
dr Joanna Mazur received funding from NCN (OPUS grant)
Dr Joanna Mazur received funding from the National Science Centre (NCN), Poland (grant OPUS) for the research project "New legal acts, old enforcement problems? Disentangling the complexities of the enforcement of EU law concerning digital technologies" 2024/53/B/HS5/00169. See more about the project.
New iKAR vol. 2024, 2(13) is published
It is our pleasure to inform that iKAR vol. 2024, 2(13) is published:
Number 2(13)/2024, devoted to the challenges of the competition and consumer protection and regulation of market for travel services was edited by Dr Dominik Borek from SGH Warsaw School of Economics and Dr Dominik Wolski from Kozminski University
YARS 2023 vol. 17(29) published
We are excited to share that the new issue of YARS vol. 17(29), edited by Laura Zoboli and Maciej Bernatt, has just been published. The issue addresses the regulatory and competition law challenges linked to data sharing.
See the full issue or overview of the articles
New issues of iKAR
It is our pleasure to inform that iKAR vol. 2023 6(12) and 7(12) are published:
Number 6(12)/2023 devoted to current problems, phenomena and challenges in the financial markets related to the need for security, information efficiency of operation and effectiveness of regulation was edited by dr hab. Edyta Rutkowska-Tomaszewska, professor at the University of Wrocław and dr hab. Iwona Dorota Czechowska, professor at the University of Lodz.
Number 7(12)/2023, devoted to selected problems and challenges related to the need to ensure effective and efficient consumer protection in the financial services markets was edited by dr hab. Edyta Rutkowska-Tomaszewska, professor at the University of Wrocław.
Workshop "Role of Competition Law in Economic Transitions" - Keynote speech by Eleanor Fox (NYU)
The workshop "Role of Competition Law in Economic Transitions" took place on 6 June 2024 at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management.
The workshop was oganised by the Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies in cooperation with the University of Manchester and with the support of ASCOLA Central Europe Chapter. This workshop was organised to foster a discussion on the role of competition law in navigating economic transitions. By examining the transformation journeys of Central-Eastern European (CEE) countries and various countries of the Global South (e.g., South Africa, Colombia), our aim was to elucidate the interplay between the values of competition and non-economic values protected by national constitutions. These discussions endeavoured to evaluate the role of competition law and the institutions tasked with its enforcement in shaping economic orders. Of particular interest was an exploration into whether the manner competition law had been enforced facilitates or hinders inclusive and sustainable economic transformation. The overall aim of the workshop was to reflect on how to build a coherent competition law framework that not only advanced the economic goals of a society but also promoted the foundational non-economic values upon which it was built.
See the recording of the keynote speech "Learning from the CEE and Global South Experiences for Future Transitions" delivered by Professor Eleanor Fox (New York University):
Seminarium: 'Big Is Bad’ in U.S. Antitrust Law: Brandeis and the Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm
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