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    Centre for Antitrust and
    Regulatory Studies

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    Centre for Antitrust and
    Regulatory Studies

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    Centre for Antitrust and
    Regulatory Studies

The Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies (CARS) at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw wishes you a cheerful and successful 2023. Below you can find an overview of what we achieved in 2022.


In 2022 we (co-)organized:

- International conference EU Competition Law Enforcement: Challenges to Be Overcome,

- National conference Trends in Competition Protection in Poland,

- several seminars, including on the development of private enforcement and the rule of law in competition law,

- workshops on research methodology and publication strategies.

Our partners included ASCOLA Central Europe Chapter, ASCOLA SEE Chapter, Bocconi University, the European University Institute, the Faculty of Law of the University of Warsaw, Polish Competition Law Association, the University of Turin, the University of Utrecht (within the EULEN Jean Monnet Network) and the University of Zagreb.


In 2022 – thanks to the commitment of many in our community – we published:

- two issues of the Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies (YARS) (attached)

- several issues of the Polish-language internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny (iKAR)

We also contributed to the recent issue of Europejski Przegląd Sądowy dedicated to the General Court judgment in the Sped-Pro case.


In 2022, we submitted several applications for scientific grants (see, among others, the grant awarded to Marta Sznajder on media pluralism), prepared an expert opinion on the constitutionality of the restriction of activity of pharmacies in Poland, and conducted research as part of several international research projects, including a comprehensive study of the case-law of Polish courts in competition cases between 2004 and 2021 or an analysis of data sharing in EU law. On top of it, we presented our research at international conferences in Europe and the U.S. as well as in the Court of Justice of the EU and in the European Commission. We also published extensively in journals and books (see attachment).


We are delighted that new people become involved in CARS activities. Dr Kamil Dobosz, Dr Małgorzata Kozak, Dr Iga Małobęcka-Szwast, Dr Krzysztof Siewicz and Dr Michał Ziółkowski have joined us as affiliated academic collaborators in 2022. In addition, CARS hosts researchers from abroad – in 2022 we have had the pleasure to host Veronica Piccolo and Yustyna Samahalskaya (within the Legal Solidarity Fund scheme for Ukrainian researchers). 

We are also honored that Prof. Marco Botta (EUI), Prof. Michal Gal (University of Haifa, ASCOLA), Prof. Anna Gerbrandy (University of Utrecht), Prof. Alison Jones (King's College London), Prof. Eleanor Fox (NYU) and Prof. Spencer Waller (LUC) agreed to support our activities as the new international members of the CARS Advisory Committee.


In the coming months we are (co-)organizing:

- a seminar presenting research on the case-law of Polish courts in competition cases from 2004 to 2021 (17 January 2023),

- a seminar on the effectiveness of the regulation of online platforms on the example of Uber (28 February 2023),

- a conference on the Polish model and practice of judicial review in competition law (14 March 2023),

- a conference on the private enforcement of competition law in the EU (March 2023),

- a conference on the test of media pluralism in the draft EU Media Freedom Act (first quarter 2023).


Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies,
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management

PL - 02-678 Warsaw, 1/3 Szturmowa St.
website: www.cars.wz.uw.edu.pl (cars English site)