Ukazała się właśnie kolejna – piętnasta w ogóle, a piąta w roku 2013 – książka Programu Wydawniczego CARS: Telecommunications Regulation in Poland – monografia zbiorowa pod red. Prof. S. Piątka.

Tytuł: Telecommunications Regulation in Poland.

Redaktor: Stanisław Piątek

Autorzy: Stanisław Piątek, Inga Kawka, Tadeusz Skoczny, Dariusz Adamski, Arwid Mednis, Jan Siudecki, Janusz Górski, Małgorzata Kalinowska, Ewelina D. Sage, Maciej Rogalski, Andrzej Adamski, Gerard Karp

Seria: „Podręczniki Monografie” 15

Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

Miejsce wydania: Warszawa

Rok wydania: 2013

ISBN: 978-83-63962-48-7

This book examines and offers critical comments on the evolution of national law and regulatory practice concerning the telecommunications sector in Poland. The Telecommunications Law Act was promulgated in 2004 with the intention of finally harmonizing the institutional and substantive laws regulating Polish telecommunications with the EU regulatory framework on electronic communications. The analysis of the compliance with, adaptations to and deviations from the standard rules of the EU regulatory framework is an important part of this book. The contributions cover selected elements of Poland’s regulatory practice that were of special importance for the development of the national telecommunications market and proved relevant, at the same time, for the implementation of EU rules. A significant part of this book is devoted to the identification and description of measures that were adopted by national legislative and regulatory authorities in order to take into consideration justified national circumstances while implementing the EU directives.


Centrum Studiów
Antymonopolowych i Regulacyjnych

c/o Wydział Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
02-678 Warszawa, ul. Szturmowa 3
Budynek B, III p. pok. B-319