Call for Papers: YARS vol. 2019 12(19) i 12(20)
Academics, PhD candidates and practitioners are invited to submit research and critical papers that refer to law & economics of competition and sector-specific regulation (energy, electronic communications, post, transport, media) for YARS 2019 volumes. Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies (YARS, is a double peer-reviewed, open-access academic journal, focusing on legal and economic issues of antitrust and regulation.
The newest issue of YARS, vol. 2018, 11(18) published – Call for papers open
It is our pleasure to inform that the newest issue of Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory (YARS), vol. 2018, 11(18) is now available on-line at The issue is very rich and covers diverse topics including Internet access services, due process in competition law, leniency, opt-out class-action systems, private enforcement before national courts, net neutrality, selective distribution, economics of vertical restraints and state aid procedure. In 2019 two issues will be published. YARS is now open for high-quality submissions related to antitrust and sector specific regulation. Please send your submissions to
iKAR No. 8/2018 has just been published
It is our pleasure to inform you that iKAR No. 8/2018 has just been published. Its editor is dr hab. Grzegorz Materna, prof. INP PAN (Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences). The texts in the volume are related to the application of competition rules in the digital economy. Please feel free to have a look here.
Rule of Law Challenges in Economic Law conference (January 10, 2019)
CARS, together with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, is organizing the Rule of Law Challenges in the EU: Implications for Economic Law conference on January 10, 2019 in Budapest.
The conference program can be found here.
iKAR No. 7/2018 has just been published
It is our pleasure to inform you that iKAR No. 7/2018 has just been published. Its editors are dr Michał Będkowski-Kozioł and mgr Łukasz Gołąb (Faculty of Law and Administration at University Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, Warsaw) and dr Jan Walulik (CARS Civil Aviation Laboratory, Faculty of Management, Warsaw University). The texts in the volume are related to the regulated transport sectors. Please feel free to have a look here.
Visiting lecture of Prof. Eleanor Fox, New York University
We are honored to invite you to the lecture “Markets, Competition Law and Democracy” by Professor Eleanor Fox, New York University.
Profesor Fox is a renown expert in antitrust and competition policy (see). She devoted a great part of her scientific and advisory work to the development of competition law in transition countries.
During the lecture Professor Fox will analyze the relationship between an open-market economy, democracy and competition protection.
The lecture will take place on 8 January 2019 (Tuesday) at 10.00 in the Auditorium B at the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw (Szturmowa Street 1/3, Warsaw).
Please confirm your attendance by 20 of December 2018 with Ms. Magdalena Kiełkiewicz (
Open Doctoral Seminar of Mr. Tomasz Walczak
We cordially invite you. December 13, 2018, at 16.00 at: Open Doctoral Seminar of Mr. Tomasz Walczak, former employee of UOKiK, PhD student at AMU, under the supervision of prof. Wojciech Piątek (AMU) and Dr. Mateusz Chołodecki (AMU) prepared the works on "Proceedings in cases related to the protection of collective consumer interests as a special model of administrative proceedings" .
The seminar will be held on December 13, 2018 from 16.00 - 19.00, room B105 at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw, ul. Szturmowa 1/3 in Warsaw.
We will be grateful for prior registration of participation by sending information to the following address:
Good results of the YARS and iKAR evaluation in the ICI Journals Master List 2017 process
We are pleased to announce that both our journals (YARS and iKAR) have successfully passed the ICI Journals Master List 2017 evaluation process, which resulted in the ICV (Index Copernicus Value) award.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies obtained ICV 2017: 94.17, which is a sign of an upward trend (from 60.51 in 2016) and gives it the 7th place among all journals indexed in ICV.
the online Antimonopoly and Regulatory Quarterly obtained ICV 2017: 61.96, which is also a sign of an upward trend (from 59.69 in 2016) and gives it 28th place among all Polish-language legal journals indexed in ICV.
Congratulations to everyone who contributed to the high rating of our periodicals. We encourage you to read our periodicals regularly and use them in your research and practice.
The Commentary on the Postal Law has been published
C.H Beck has published a commentary on the Postal Law, edited by M. Chołodecki, A. Piszcz and T. Skoczny (Series: Beck's Comments, Warsaw 2018, pp. 1136). This is the first comprehensive commentary on the Postal Law in history. The authors pay particular attention to the principles of operation of the postal market, i.e. its opening to competition and liberalization both in theoretical and practical terms, taking into account the past experience of the postal market under the new regulations. Many of the issues elaborated in the commentary have never been discussed in Polish doctrine. This is yet another publication on the postal market prepared by CARS. The Postal Market Laboratory is currently the leading research center for this market in Poland.
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