Legislation Covering Business-to-business Unfair Trading Practices in the Food Supply Chain in Central and Eastern European Countries
CARS has just published a comprehensive study of regulations against Unfair Trading Practices in the food supply chain in Central Europe. Entitled „Legislation Covering Business-to-business Unfair Trading Practices in the Food Supply Chain in Central and Eastern European Countries", the book is the effect of an international research project organised by CARS and bringing together academics and practitioners from eight central European EU member states.
Guest lecture on Blockchain Regulation (3 June 2019)
On 3 July 2019 the guest lecture of Dr. Michèle Finck (Senior Research Fellow of the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich) on “Blockchain and Regulation” was held at the Faculty of Managment. During the lecture Dr. Finck critically discussed the main regulatory challenges arising from blockchain technologies. The general discussion with the audience followed Michèle Finck's presentation.
Recent merger control developments in Europe and their implications for the future of antitrust (7.05.2019)
CARS and law firm CMS organised a conference on latest developments in merger control on May 7, 2019. Representatives of DG Comp from Brussels, academics and practitioners discussed a range of hot topics such as public interest in merger control following the Siemens-Alstom case, the role of economic analysis in merger prohibitions and gun-jumping. The conference was attended by ca 80 participants. tracji jak miejsce interesu publicznego w kontroli koncentracji w kontekście decyzji Komisji w sprawie Siemens-Alstom, rola analizy ekonomicznej w przypadku decyzji zakazującej oraz gun-jumping. W konferencji wzięło udział ok. 80 osób.
iKAR No. 2/2019 has just been published
We would like to inform you that iKAR No. 2/2019 - anti-monopoly has just been published. Coordinator of the area of fines in competition and consumer protection law and the editor-in-chief of iKAR The issue is devoted to various issues in the area of competition protection and regulation.
Report from the Conference "The European Union and the Challenges of Aviation Law, April 15, 2019.
We kindly invite you to read the report from the Conference "European Union and Aviation Law Challenges" (15.04.2019) which took place on April 15, 2019.
Civil Aviation Laboratory, Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies (CARS) and Leon Koźmiński Academy have the honour of inviting you to Conference European Union and Current Aviation Law Challenges
The conference will touch upon the following issues:
- airport operations, air navigation and safety management,
- safety of UAV operations,
- passenger rights.
Please find attached a detailed programme.
International research project: ‘Instruments and effects of combating the unfair use of superior bargaining power in trade of agriculture and food product’ (2017-2019) – the end of the national research phase
In mid-March 2019 the national research phase of the international research project ‘Instruments and effects of combating the unfair use of superior bargaining power in trade of agriculture and food product’ was completed. The national reports from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia were provided for publication. The book containing these reports will be published in April. The last phase of the implementation of this project will be the international scientific conference. It will be organized in early authumn 2019.
CARS Digital Markets and Big Data Laboratory
CARS Digital Markets and Data Laboratory was started with the begin of the summer semester 2019. Dr. Laura Zoboli from the Department of the European Economic Law of the Warsaw University Faculty of Management become its first Head. CARS Digital Markets and Big Data Laboratory will be acting in English. We encourage you to make yourself acquainted with the mission, members team and planned activities.
We encourage you to make yourself acquainted with the recently published booklet which illustrates the CARS achievements in 2007–2017.
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